Sunday, April 24, 2011

day 05- somewhere ive been to..

ive been to the tippy top of the seattle space needle..ive been to the tippy top of the sears tower in chicago..I think both those places are preettyy ammazing!!!! well..thats all for today..stay tuned for tomorrows post!!! xoxox
love kinners :)


Carla Fuller said...

how do you get he music on you blog??

Gwen said...

McKinnley, go give your Dad a big smooch for providing you such an exciting life! You are one lucky girl. How are the braces coming? I keep waiting to hear from you. Your hair looks so long in your Easter picture, Grandpa especially noticed it, you are Beautiful! I love you!

Gwen said...

McKinnley, go give your Dad a big smooch for providing you such an exciting life! You are one lucky girl. How are the braces coming? I keep waiting to hear from you. Your hair looks so long in your Easter picture, Grandpa especially noticed it, you are Beautiful! I love you!