Monday, July 7, 2008

This is a picture of Mily Cyrus at the Stadium of Fire! Have you guys heard "The 7 things I love about you" yet? I like it!


JaMie HeApS said...

holly cow im behind on you blog kinners looks like you've you been having a ball with everything. loe all the pics i cant waite to see you. let the count down begain.

Madeline... said...
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Emilee said...

I have I loved it!!

Shaharac said...

Hey Kinners - Guess what we went to Stadium of Fire and Marisa was able to get Miley Cyrus autograph. Our really good friend was the photographer who took tons of pics of Miley, Blue Man Group and the other stadium of fire stuff. It's cool, its a picture of Miley that she signed and Risi has it framed in her room. Also, the song 7 things is my favorite of hers, Risi likes breakout.
Your blog is so cool. You are a great blogger.