Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Jenny-Lou!

Look at those Lips! Jenny You are the Best!
I hope you had a Great Birthday...
Wish I could have Celebrated with you!
Four Foxy Divas!
12 Things I LOVE about Jenny!
1- You are Always Happy!
2- Your Laugh makes me Laugh!
3- You Good at sports!
4- I Love your Dimples!
5- You are a Good Dancer!
6- Dillian thinks your Hot!
7- You are one Good Slip n Slider!
8- You have some great Jokes!
9- You never Pooted GR...
10- I love getting your Emails!
11- You are always Possitive!
12- You are a perfect Friend and Cousin!
Plus one more...
*You are the One Mean Mash Potatoe Taster!
Hope your Birthday was Perfect! I miss you, Thanks for always being such a great exsample to me and Madison! I Love You!


Kelly said...

Jenny... You are one in a Million! I love everything about you from head to toe! I hope your day was full of FUN and no Weggies! Did your Dad try to pull a few on you for your Special day?

jen jen said...

thanks kinners but i think that dillan think your hot. Love ya!

Kim said...

Jen kinners is right dillon does love you!Happy Birthday hope you had good one.
