Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jeanine and Phillip!!

This is Jeanine and Phillip!! These are My Favorite Dancers EVER!!! I hope when I grow up I will dance just like her!! Whats weird is that she lives in Florida!! Thats soo cool! so yep, who's watching it this year? Russel won! I wanted Kathren to win but Russel is good to!! I love that show!!
Love, McKinnley


Brittney said...

Yep kinners I agree she was good and she should have won! But Russel was okay! Hey Sis. Howle had her baby on sunday! There is pics. on her log! Go to mine and click on the howle family!!! Love always, Britt

Kim said...

Em has loved watching that show to. I think you could be the star of that show somday. I have seen your moves! I think it runs in your family with both your mom and dad professional dancers. Love you!

Aninie said...

I wanted molee to win so bad i cryed when she got kicked

Katheryn said...

I wanted Kathryn to win too! I thought she was the best. And it helps that we have the same name :) Oh well, Russell was good too.

(P.S. Nope, Dallin didn't learn to ride in the grass. He tried, but our grass was too thick :))

Aninie said...

do you realy think she looks like

Emilee said...

I love that show too!! I wanted Ashley to win but i liked Russel also. Someday all of us should try out on that show ! I think it would be so fun!!

Gwen said...

Kenners, you have to remind me to watch that show next year. I watched you dance and I think you are going to be even better!