Sunday, January 10, 2010


Avatar is an Awesome-tastic movie!!!! If you haven't seen it, you got to girl!! lol :-)
Love, McKinnley


Katheryn said...

We went to see that last week! We loved it. The 3-D glasses game me a headache, but it was worth it because everything looked so cool!

jen jen said...

OMG! i LOVED that movie it was so good! i want to see it again!

Gwen said...

Kenners, Avatar was my very favorite too! The forest was unbelievable. It reminded me of the most fantastic fairy land ever. The colors were unbelievable. I especially loved the dragons. Maybe in the next life we will be able to fly on the backs of gorgeous dragons. And flowers will grow everywhere. I want to go see the show again. Wish I could see it with you! I haven't been down to the post office yet, but I can't wait. I saw a movie today called Sea People. A young girl your age finds these two mermaids, and her teacher asks the class to write a fictional story. She writes just what she sees, and wins the story contest, but no one would ever believe it was true. I think you would have liked it. She was a good swimmer just like you. I love you McKinnely. Take care of your Mom for me.

Gwen said...

Kenners, I am looking for your video. . . can't wait.