Sunday, January 24, 2010

Party At My House!

Last night we had a party at my house! It was a Goodbye Party. To see the Plays we did then scroll down to my last 2 posts to see me and my friends doing plays! It was soo fun! We ate pizza and cupcakes, did our plays, then we played hide and go seek in Pitch Black!! It was sooo fun!


Gwen said...

What a bunch of beautiful girls! Kenners you are going to have best friend all over the United States. Blogging is going to be a great way to stay in touch. I bet the hide a go seek in the dark was fun! Love you!

Emilee said...

Fun!! That looked so much fun I wish my mom was that cool to let me have my friends over for a party!!

Brittney said...

That was totally the best party ever!!! Thanks for inviting me! I hope that Millie is okay! From where you triped over her! Bad sissy! LOL JK! Hey you better take in those last few days of school! And your mom's cupcakes were amazing! No I am not kidding! And Hide-and-go-seek was so fun! Did I tell you that I tripped down the stairs! Yep sure did! Talk about funny! Anyways thanks for inviting me! Your da best!Love always, Britt

JaMie HeApS said...

i cant belive your really leaving. your friends are going to be so lonley with out you. and chicago is one lucky place to have ya.

Unknown said...

It is so great I visited your blog, I am also same like you, age below 12 ^^. Hope you will visit to my blog too.