Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I Have the flu!!! And my mom takes care of me soooo good!! She made me crushed ice, last night she woke @ 6:00 and ran all the upstairs, and helped me get downstairs on the couch, gave me a blanket, and and turned me on a t.v show! I love my mom!!


Kelly said...

I LOVE YOU! I'm sorry you got the bug! You are being a trooper. I can feel it that tomorrow is going to be a better day! Just remember in a few weeks we will be on our vacation having a PARTY! You can make it.. I will give a special prayer up for you and I know you will get better! I loved having you home with me today!
xoxoxoxox Kelly

jen jen said...

i feel for you i was just sick!!! it was not fun at all!!! and my mom helped me real good to!!!!
aren't we lucky we have moms!!!

Emilee said...

Oh how sad!!! It is the worst being sick. The other night for some strange reason I just threw up and I thought I was going to be Sick but the next day I was just fine.
hope you feel better!!

Gwen said...

There is no place like home when you are sick. I got the stomach flew when I was all alone at Jackson Hole once. I missed my mom like crasy. Hope you are feeling better. I would have liked to be there to hold your forhead so you wouldn't drown. Love you!