Tuesday, October 28, 2008


If you know me, then comment on my blog and tell me your favorite memorie, or time with me! Love You All!!! PEACE OUT!


JaMie HeApS said...

i think i would have to say when you were little and i had you and emily sleep over and we got in the photo both and partied all night. loved that i cant belive how old your getting.

trouble maker said...

duh!the concert!!!!!!!!!!

Emilee said...

My absolute favorite merorie is whem me and you had a sleepover and couldn't go to sleep and every 10 minutes we come up and check the time and Mazie and Maddi were both slept talked and we could not stop laughing and jenny was yelling at us sayin"Shut up I can't go to sleep"!!
hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Love Em

Kelly said...

Oh I have sooooooooooooooo many! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU and count myself LUCKY for getting to spend everyday with you. I loved this past summer that we together... sleeping in, a little swimming, a little salad, a little chicken and fries. a little swimming stay up late. I loved our mother daughter dinner at the church our special date and sipping on our sonic drinks as we jammed to the music in the car on the way home. I love cooking in the kitchen with you. I just flat out LOVE YOU!

jen jen said...

i loved wene you told us about maddie sleep talking at grandma bowdens house!!! we just kept on laghing and laghing that was awesome

claudia said...

my favorite memory of you when i met you that is when i know my best friend for life other than that memory when we mad funny videos on bay bay phone


jen jen said...

sorry i just was cheking the blogs and i saw your picture and i think you are the best love you so so so so much!!!!!! jen

Aninie said...

my fav memorie is when we went to the mouvies for maxs b day and we kept going to get popcorn or the mega max coke or treats like sour patch kids mike and ike

you are awesome

Shaharac said...

I love your blog! No way are you 10!! It's been too long since you guys moved away, but I remember being at your baptism and impressed I was at how ready you were. You seemed to really understand what you were committing too, you set such an awesome example for your sisters and Kade!

Shaharac said...
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Emmers said...

Kinners I have a blog it is
LOVE katie pflueger
P.S. i am lindsey's sister!

Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

Kinners you're officially the BOMB!!!