Saturday, January 24, 2009


Are you hungry? Well heres a recipe that looks yummy from the "Friend". "Try an old favorite with a fruity twist"
Apple Sandwiches
- 1 apple
- 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.
- 1 tablespoon honey.
- 6 slices bread
1. peel and grate the apple.
2. In a bowl, stir the peanut butter , honey and apple together.
3. Toast the bread.
4. Spread the Apple mixture between 2 peices of toast, and enjoy. (Makes 3 sandwiches.)
YUMMO! This recipe reminds me of my grandma Clark. When She came to visit us in Washington we would all get a turn to sleep with her in kades bed. One night it was my turn, and in the middle of the night, me and grandma couldn't go to sleep And she said this to me..., "Are you asleep?" I said no, and I said im hungry, and so was grandma, so we both sneaked down stairs and grandma made me toast with honey, and hot choco! So that recipe reminded me of her! Love ya,


Kelly said...

Yummers! Sounds like a good after school snack! Love the story about you and Grandma sneaking treats. Where was I? Grandma knows how to make some Mean Hot Chocolate! What happy times! I Love you!

Gwen said...

Kenners, I love the recipe but mostly the fun memory. I remember you reading to me out of your fun book that made us laugh. The one with the great pictures. Are you still reading alot? I hope so. Have you written any new stories lately? I want to write a new fairy story. You wouldn't believe how deep the snow is here tonight. It has snowed all day. If you were here we could sneak out for a late night walk in the snow before our cocoa. I can never talk Grandpa into walking at night. I love you McKinnely, I hope you are having a spectacular day!

trouble maker said...

who's your valentine? in my class its a mad house! all the boys are calling "dibs" on the girls. this boy named jarrod who is one of my friends called "dibs" on my friends sammie and my other friend likes him and she gets all mad whenever he talks to me cause she thinks he likes me which is very weird cause he is a really good friends. and the weirdest and ugliest guy in the class called "dibs" on ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emilee said...

I totally agree grandma clark is the best!!! And the recipe does sound pretty dang good!! I'll have to try it sometime!
luv ya!

Emilee said...

I totally agree grandma clark is the best!!! And the recipe does sound pretty dang good!! I'll have to try it sometime!
luv ya!

Emmers said...

that looks yummy!