Sunday, January 18, 2009


I Dont Know about you, but Im exited about Valintines!! The Candy, School activites, passing out valintine cards! I love you all!!
Bling bling candy...

Who's your valintine?...


Gwen said...

Boy I am excited about Valentines! I want to send you a real homemade Valentine McKinnely. I love your art work. Do you have a special boy at school you are planning to send a
Valentine to?

Kelly said...

AHHh What happened to that DARLING photo of you and the other Monkeys? You are MUCH better looking!
You are my Valentine... But I know you will have lots of others... and we know who they ALL are...? Who will want you as there Valentine! Whoo. Whoo! I love you! Thanks for being such a Perfect Girl! I LOVE You!

JaMie HeApS said...

i have fou matt grady da and jace.. and i love valentines too, help me think of something speacial to do for my boys. i love the heart of paper very creative.

Kim said...

Valentines is such a fun holiday. You are lucky to have so many people who just LOVE you. I wish I could read your cards that you get from your class. I am sure that you will have several "special" valentines from boys. Remember no boys until after their missions! I would love some yummy chocolate valentines. How bout you?

Emmers said...

I luv valentines miss you katie I want to see you so bad when are coming out next

Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

Kinners you are too cute! I wish Uncle Stav and I could come out for the weekend and spend the HOliday of LOVE with you and make yummy cookies and have ourselves a great time. Maybe soon :) Love ya Kinners!