Thursday, January 15, 2009

Amrican Idol!

WOW!! Who's been watching American Idol!! I know I have!! Theres definitly some Crazy people, and then theres some pretty good ones!! I like the new judge, Kera! Who am I...
Yo Yo Dog!! That was Pretty Sweet Man!! ... Randy!! Who am I?
That was Horrific! The worst thing I have Ever heard!! I dont even want to hear that again!! Just Terrible! ... Simon!! Who am I?
Oh Honey, dont think about what he just said!! You were realy good... but im gonna have to pass on this one! Im sorry! ... Paula.
But im not realy sure what to say about Kera just yet but. But heres what you do,
Comment me, and tell me what your worst, funniest, and best singer that tried out so far!! This sure is gonna be funny!! I have lots of funny ones, but my favorite one was that one mom, and she had short hair, her name was Lil' something, But I liked her, and Stevie!! The worst would probably the Afro dude, yodler girl, and the cry baby dude!! Funny! the funniest would be that one girl with red, and blue short hair, and after she sang that Rain bow song, the judges didnt say one word, and she just left the room!! Sad and funny! You should of seen my mom during us watching that show! Were all sitting there wayching it eating cookies, and shes Laughing her head off!! I cant wait to see my moms comments!! LOL Any ways, heres an update on our first Basketball game Saturday... WE Won!! 20 to 8!! We Wooped um!! My jersey # is my dads favorite # ... 10!! I love my dad soo much! He is such a great coach. when one of the girls are crying, or sad, or didnt do well, orm something, my dad goes and bends down to them, and says "You did great! Its realy hard getting around those Big girls, and you did realy good!!" And some coaches say, " Your supposed do this, and that, not that! Like this girl on my team is Realy compettitive, and she says to my dad, They didnt give us the points we got!!" Go tell them!!" And My dad had a an "AWKWARD MOMENT" expression on his face and said... " I ll go check on that one!!" It was funny! I love it when When I have the ball, I look over at my dad, and he's Rooting me on!! Saying Come on!! You can do it!! I love that! I also love it when my mom yells GO KINNERS!! While chasing Millie around the Gym!Then When we switch out people, my mom and dad run to me and tell me Im doing good and Tips! And I love it whenmy grabs millie and runs down to the coke machine and buys me a Gatorade!! I love my parents alot!! I have got to go, but Ill blog again later, ill try to do better!


Emmers said...

I love american Idol

jen jen said...

i thought the boy with the realy realy low voice was so funny!!!

trouble maker said...

my favorite singer is Jason Castro's brother!

Gwen said...

Thanks for reminding us about
American Idol. Grandpa, Matt and I watched it. What a bunch of goofs! We will pick out our favorites this next week. I always get embarrassed when they won't get off the stage. They just keep trying to sing another song, and it is ever worst than the first one. They need one of those trap doors that just opens and "wala" they disappear. I can't wait to see the Salt Lake City night. I hope we don't look too dorky. Also I think you have magnificent basketball coaches. . .best in town. Sounds like your team is awesome. Have fun. I love you!!!

JaMie HeApS said...

kinners i want to see you play. and ya i love your couch too he is an amazing one

Grandpa & GmaT said...

20 to 8 huh! WOW!!! Bet that was some game. Win or not I think you are hot!!! What is Maddi and Kade playing this season? What did you decide to name your team - Glorious Girls? I LOVED your blog - it was sooooo long and you said so much I was getting a glimpse into the wonderful woman you are just by your words - WOW!!! Love you bunches, GmaT