Saturday, April 18, 2009

Annies Tag.

Annie taged everybody who wanted to do this but it was to go to "My pictures" and click on the 4th photo in your 4th folder. then you have to explain what it is. So heres my pic.

In this picture it was the first day of school in Washington. And our best Bus Driver Ever, Carla, gave us a Cupcake!! Lucky us!! So thats my 4th picture in my 4th folder. so I tag anyone who wants to do it, to do it!!

Love Mckinnley


trouble maker said...

I did it!!!!!

jen jen said...
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jen jen said...
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Kelly said...

LOVE that photo! What a happy day! You all look so cute! To bad you don't have Carla here driving you around.

Gwen said...

Love the picture the cupcakes look yummy. Wish I was there to taste.