Sunday, April 12, 2009


So, you must be wondering, "Who are these people?" Well There the Leehman girls! But thats there last name of course!! They were on the cruise with us, and one there names is Ashley. I think its the one on the left.

There sooo nice and pretty! They always dressed modestly to. There a good example! Besides my mom and dad, they are what I want to be like, and look like when I grow up! Thats there mom and them.Who knows that could be Madison and me in a couple years!! And here's them and there dad! ...


Jenny, Emilee, and Madison just got Smooched! you have to get a picture of someone you want to be like or look like! So good luck em and jen and Mad! I want to see some blogg'en goin on!!

Love ya, Kinners


Kelly said...

Aren't they cute girls... What a fun trip we had! They helped make it fun. It was fun to go to dinner each night and see what cute outfits they had on, how the hair was done... what pretty dresses they wore.
They renminded me of you and Madison. What a Blessing to have a Best Buddy by your side! I loved how they loved each other, were kind to each other, dressed modestly, we happy, kind to everyone, laughed, and how they made sure the other sister was happy. They They are Darling girls.
Cute Post! I Love You! You remind me alot of them. Beautiful happy kind, sweet... I am so lucky you are mine!

Kelly said...

Wow I struggled with that last post.. I guess I better re-read it before I post a comment! HA HA!

Emilee said...

Kinners you already are gorgoues!! They do look really nice and pretty! I have no idea who to do??