Sunday, May 10, 2009

Friend magazine Recipe

Clafoutis? Oui!!
Here's a yummy new breakfast to try. Its called Clafotis!
(kla-FOO-tee) In France people eat it for dessert, but it's also Delicious for breakfast. You can make it with your favorite fruit, and it's good either warm or cold.
* 4 eggs
* 2 cups milk or rice milk
*1/3 cup sugar
*1/4 teaspoon salt
* 1 teaspoon almond extract or vanilla extract
*1/2 cup fresh or frozen fruit of your choice (cherries, blueberries, rasberries, peaches.)
Place eggs, milk, flour, sugar, salt and extract in a blender. Blend on low speed for 30 seconds. pour into a quiche dish or ovenproof glass dish. Put fruit on top. Cook at350 for 45 minutes or until Clafoutis is not very jiggly! YUM! Oui? .. ( Oui is French for "yes" Its pronounced "we"!)


Emilee said...

Yum!!!!!!!!! I am so going to have to try this. I guess me and you think alike because I just put a recipe on my blog to. Go and check it out.

Kelly said...

YUMMY! YOu better start cracken an dgive these a shot!
I LOVE YOU! We had a party on Saturday!

JaMie HeApS said...

kinners matt is going to be impressed im going to have to give this a whril and i might even throw in the "we"

Kim said...

A must try! I'm glad you are a help to your mom in the kitchen! I will never forget the yummy muddy buddies you made for us at your house. My Fav! I love you!

jen jen said...

funi like how yes is we!