Tuesday, May 19, 2009

American Idol!!!

Who's Exited for American Idol tonight? I Know I am!!! How in The UNIVERSE Did Danny go home over ADAM?!! I cant get that through my head!! Adam is a spooky guy!! At school I was asking alot of people in my class who they want and thay were like Adam!! He has a great voice, I was like, Ya a voice of a chipmunk!!! Soo please vote for Kris atleast 100000 times tonight!!! Also I cant wait to see jordan Sparks again tonight!! WHOOO HOO!! GO KRIS KRIS KRIS!!


trouble maker said...

nice.....i know danny shouldnt have gone home.....i dont really like adam either......i think adam might win.....but kris should!!!

Emilee said...

Mckinnley Adam is gay who would ever like a guy who is gay!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I think Kris might win I dont know?

jen jen said...

KRIS WON!! i screamed my head off!

Aninie said...

YAY kris won
adam is so creapy