Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thanks mom!!

A Week or to ago, my mom took Maddi and I to the Young Womens meeting thing, and it was sooo good!! I loved it! First, we got all ready, then we got to the stake center for it, then my mom found out that her skirt was see through, so we ran to to K mart real quick and got some legging tipe things! And some licorice! Then we got there again, and everything was ok this time!then we were in there listening to the meeting! ...while chugging down licorice! We were so hungry!! So after words we went to Chillies, And we had a FEAST!!! All our favs! This is a picture off us at chillies! We were laughing sooo hard!! We were tring to take a desent pic, and every one we took maddi was either Flaring her nose, or looking like she was constapated!!" K maddi, this one you have to smile!!" my mom said, then maddi said "OK FINE!" then we took the pic and she was doing the pig look! " R there any bats in the cave?"!!!! We were laughing so hard!! So Thank you so much mom!! Yo Da Best!!! HA HA!! Got to go, Were making Sushi!! BYE!


Gwen said...

Kinners, I heard you took the best notes at the meeting. I heard the same speaker in Midway a year ago. I remember #1.slide out of bed and pray each morning. #2 Read for 5 minutes in the Book of Mormon each day. #3 Smile. I think we can do that. Let's try and report to each other. I love the bat caves. I love you!

trouble maker said...

awsome!!!!u were probally like me after the concert!!!!! lol!!!:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

jen jen said...

i now how you feel with the pic thing tyler never smiles! and the see threw dress is so funny! LOL! love ya! bye!

Emilee said...

That sounds like so much fun!!! I love having gno's 2, so fun!!