Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Dad

This is a post of my dad...

My dad is the BEST dad ever!! He's so "Churchy", He wakes up at 6:00 Am every Church day, He baptizes, was a bishop. And is a young men's leader, Helps Kade with cub scouts, Takes us to our achievement days and cub scout stuff every Wednesday! And has the Melchizedek priesthood, He reads the scriptures to us every morning before we go to School, Makes us DELICIOUS Breakfast that he puts so much hard work in it!

He's Strongest, most Athletic, best Coach, Dancer, Singer, Supporter, Cooker, text -er, has the best taste, and Smartest dad!! He takes us Around (Praticaly) the whole world!! On the first day of school my mom and dad both go and with there own money go and buy me something cute to where. Most people don't o that! When it was cold here in Florida my dad went to this expensive place and bought me and Maddi Cute Winter coats!! He has the best dance moves and Style Then any other dad! Whenever I'm sad, He comes and helps me feel better. It's funny though but whenever were grumpy and don't want to go to bed, He always strangely picks on us to say the prayer!!!...

Here's a picture of my dad Dancing, He always makes us Laugh!

Today We went to the pool, and we came home to my dad working!! He could of stopped working and could of come to the pool, but instead he stayed home and worked so we can go do more things and have a better life! He goes to meetings early in the morning and some through out the day! He does it so I can have the life that I have!! I hope someday that I can be like him! I can never ask for A better Dad! I love you dad!!


trouble maker said...

wat bout my dad??????????????????????hes awsome 2.....well at least to me.....lol....miss you guys.....so much......wish i could hav stayed in eagle landing!!!!

Heath Thompson said...

Wow, I loved this Post McKinnley. You made me feel so special. You're the best. Not everything you mentioned here in your blog is completely true, but I love that you love me nonetheless.

Kim said...

McKinnley it is so neat that you realize how Awesome your dad is. He is one of a kind and you are a very lucky girl to be in the incredible family that you are in. What a cute post. I love your dad too. And of course LOVE you!!!

Grandpa & GmaT said...

Dear Kinners, (do you still go by that sweet nickname?) Loved your post about your awesome Dad. He is one in a million. Thanks for letting the world know just how wonderful he is. I love him and you toooooooo, GmaT