Saturday, June 6, 2009


My Mom is going to Camp tomorow, and I wish I could go with her! She's gonna have the Funnest, cutest, and overal best Cabin there!! She's soo busy with all her camp stuff! But some how she fits in going to the store and my school 5 times each day! She goes to the store 5 times, to buy cookies or gifts for our teachers, and go to Dunkin Donuts for gift cards for our teachers, go to Target and buy the cutest presents and drive us around to our friends house for parties, and sits on the side every Thursday & Tuesday at 6 and Every Saturday at 10 to watch us swim at our swim team practices, chase maizie and millie around, run millie to the bathroom before she has an accident every 3 minutes, has to work on Primary stuff, sneak on a date with my dad to get there nails done, Clean the house when I get home from where ever I was! And A TON more!! By the way, my mom got an Email a while ago and it was a video of the news, and we were watchen it and it was saying,
Kelly Thompson Mom of the YEAR!!!!! And talking about all the stuff she does and has to do!It was soooo COOL!!! I love my mom!!
Love, McKinnley


Gwen said...

Oh McKinnelly aren't we lucky to have your Mom. I love her as much as you do. I know how busy she has been. Wish you were 12 so you could go with her. Next year. I remember being at camp when your Mom turned 12. She was the cutest. . shiest. . most adorable beehive ever! I remember looking into her eyes around the fire and just loving her. Wish I could be home with you this week. You have a big job ahead of you and your mom will appreciate you just as much as you appreciate all she has been doing for you. Keep Millie and Maizie safe. No alligators, no wading in lake, no playing in the rode, no hard candy to choke on, you would think I am a over concerned Grandma huh! Call me and let me know how you are doing. You are the very best McKinnley and I love you to pieces!

Gwen said...

Oh McKinnelly aren't we lucky to have your Mom. I love her as much as you do. I know how busy she has been. Wish you were 12 so you could go with her. Next year. I remember being at camp when your Mom turned 12. She was the cutest. . shiest. . most adorable beehive ever! I remember looking into her eyes around the fire and just loving her. Wish I could be home with you this week. You have a big job ahead of you and your mom will appreciate you just as much as you appreciate all she has been doing for you. Keep Millie and Maizie safe. No alligators, no wading in lake, no playing in the rode, no hard candy to choke on, you would think I am a over concerned Grandma huh! Call me and let me know how you are doing. You are the very best McKinnley and I love you to pieces!

Kelly said...

That was the best post EVER! it made me homesick for you already and I'm still home! Thank you for all your kind words. I am so LUCKY that you are mine! I was SOOO SUPER Proud of you for gettting the Princeable Awawrd. and straight A's. I loved coming see you get your awards... I loved seeing smile and laugh with your friends! I wish we were at camp together. I could use a Buddy... I don't know anyone. I will have make some new friends this week. Next year we will be together! Oh won't that be a Blast! We will sneak up Extra treats and stay up late telling all sorts of secrets!
Thank you for being my sitter this week. Be Kind, Loving! You are getting great practice in for when you are a Mom. Plan fun things for you guys to do... play school, make Dad a Fathers day card, Decorate the fridge with your art work for me to see when I get home!
Take care of Dad for me too! He might need you to rub his feet for him... give him a big hug each night before bed and tell him I LOVE HIM! I will call you... you can call me too and leave me a message or text me an dI'll check it before bed.
You are the Best! Please be careful! Don't let Millie escape outside... go in the road, by the pond, in the tub. You keep your eye balls on her at ALL Times!
Remember I LOE YOU! tell the other Lil MOnkeys I'm Crazy about them too! Don't have too much fun with out me around! And I'll be counting down the seconds until I am home with all of you again. Ready to PARTY! Woo Whoo!
xoxox Mom