Sunday, June 7, 2009

Helping out.

Today was the last day with our mom till Friday! My mom woke up this morning and made cinnamen type yummy rolls, then we all started helping her get ready and packed for her to go to Camp. We probably carried 10 Gatorade and water packs that were heavy as heck!! Then carried all her stuff to the car, and we ran to Moe's to get some Chicken quesadilas, then headed off. When we got there we got out all her stuff out of the car and put in her Cabin (#3) And all her girls were sooo nice! I was sooo mad I missed it by 3 months!!!! All I know is that my mom's Cabin will be AWSOME!! Dance party, with all the cool songs on her cd in her new cd player, her cute headband craft, all her games planned, and these tissue paper flowers, and more! My mom is one of the store keeper and we put all the gatorade and water stuff and Otter Pops in the fridge in there, we walked in there and there were Tons of Pickles that were bigger than my Head!! And also on a counter there was a nest of birds!! CUTE!! So I miss my mom tons, but We are having TONS of fun here!! Love ya! McKinnley


JaMie HeApS said...

oh i hope you dont miss her tooo much.

Kim said...

Boy is your mom lucky to have you to fill in as Mother #2! I know you will do such a great job helping out! It is killing me that you are almost 12! Please stop growing up! THat means Emilee is right behind you. AHHHH! Young Women's will be so lucky to be getting you.

jen jen said...

i missed it but like by 1 month 2 my friend gerts to go and her mom is i charge of camp and shes begging her mom to let me go!!!

jen jen said...

sry for the bad spelling!!i didnt reread!

Gwen said...

McKinnley, thanks for taking care of everyone. I hear that you made a surprize visit to camp and your mom was so thrilled. Next year you will be in on all the fun. I am just excited for August!!!!