Friday, June 12, 2009

Sean Kingston.

Who liked Sean Kingston on So you think you can Dance last night? I didn"t! And im thinking my dad didnt like it at all. and the reason I say that is the thing he said before he change the channel...

"What an Idiot!! His pants are falling off of him!!"


jen jen said...

liked him a little!! hes not my favorite!! but how bout so you think you can dance!! i love that show!! who do you want to win i want phillap ar his partner!!their my favorite!!!! and how about that guy who his partner is married!!!!
Call me some time!! love ya jen!!

Emilee said...

Gross!! I am so with you on that one!! I love that show!!! Who do you like the best??

Luv Em

Gwen said...

Kinners, the only time I watched that show was when Marie Osmand fainted. When is it on? I am sure I would agree with your Dad. I heard you and Maddie were awesome in your Oakleys Idols. Not sure about that first word, but way to go! Could you preform your dance in August when you come. . . Ya Hooo!!!!Can't believe it yet! I love you McKinnley!

Aninie said...

he is so stupid sean kingston his pants were so low i swear they were off at least 3 in.
do you like the next food network star
