Sunday, June 14, 2009

Silly Millie!!!

MIllie has grown SOOOOOOOOO Fast!! When We were in the car going to pick up my mom from camp, I was sitting next to millie, I looked over at her and she was singing the song that was on with her eyes close!! It was so cute!! And I was like Millie do a peace out sign!!! She was like, "NO!! IM To little!! It was so funny!Then when we were at the pool, millie was walking with me and she was pointing her finger and singing ,"I want my money back, i want my money back!!" She knew that song from the song called "enjoy the show" on my moms blog! She was soo cute!!!! Today when I was cleaning my room millie was playing with my DSI and she was recording herself singing songs! I love her soo much!!


Grandpa & GmaT said...

Dearest McKinnley,

You sure are a super big sister!

How blessed your sisters and brother are to have you lead so well with LOVE!

Love you bunches, GmaT

Gwen said...

Kinners I love Millie too! Sometimes I think she looks the most like you. I can't wait for you to come to Wallsburg!!!! We will have to plan a cousin sleepover while your Mom and Dad are in Seattle. Happy Summer Days!
Love, Grandma

Shaharac said...

Your blog is so cute, you are such a great oldest daughter! How cute are you with that little sister! Come see us this summer Marisa would DIE if you and Maddi surprised her with even a super short visit!

jen jen said...

how cute! shawn has been so fun to!! this is the best age!!

trouble maker said...

Millie is just so dang cute!!.......i remember when we would go to the park and she would wanna come with us!...........she is awsome!!