Friday, July 31, 2009

My Birthday Party!

My Birthday party was SO AWESOME!! First we made our Delicious pizza's...
Doesn't It look SO GOOD?!!
WE had a BIT of a Flour Fight!
This is ALL my Buddy's! LOL!
Kenzie, Bayleigh, Daniella, Me, Maizie, Hayleigh, Claudia, Madison, Lexi, Zoey, and Dominique!!
My Monkey Brother!!
A picture of us after We did our "Shove your face and whip cream and get all the skittles out with as less whip cream on them (clean) as you can!"

Zoey and Maddi!

Me Shoving my face in Whip Cream!!

Us eating, Talking Laughing!My Mom and Bro making my AWESOME Pinata!!

Me and and My Sis! Thank You Mom and Dad For making Me and Maddi have the best birthday party EVER!! I love you!


jen jen said...

How fun aaaaaaa today i get to see you your probly getting on the plane right now!!!

trouble maker said...


Morgan said...


Kim said...

What a fun party! Did you and Maddi celebrate together? What fun parents you have. I am impressed with the homemade pinata and the yummy homemade pizzas. Looks like some great fun friends! Good Times!

Emmers said...

Happy Birthday!!! To the person I freakin love. When you come out to utah we sould see each other!!! love Katie

Baileigh said...

omg mckinnley ur guys party waz sooooooooooooooooo much fun u guys come up with the most fun and crazy ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sooooooo much fun see ya l8ter bye :-)!!!!!

Gwen said...

First Kenners I love, love your new black and white picture for a cover. It is the best! How did you do it? I would agree you have amazing parents to give you such a great party. You have cute friends. You are going to have friends all over the country. Kade looks like a Thompson for sure! Wish we would have done the whipping cream game when you were here. I think you and Madison are gorgeous in your picture together. Thank you for posting your scripture, it is a great one. I love you Kenners