Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just a little tip..

Hey this is just a Little tip....
Never I repeat, NEVER...
Go on these type of bouncy things!! Where you are seat belted in and you are jumping on a trampoline going up SO high!! The guy that was seat belting me in? speaked in a different language, and he was making the safety belt thing SO tight it was pinching!!! and i couldn't say anything cause he wouldn't understand! And then he pushed a button, and it started pulling me up, and OOH!!! That hurt!!! And then some guy was like come on you can jump higher than that! And i was NO I CANT!!! And I was like "mouthing " to my mom, I cant jump anymore!! And then my brother was watching what I said and He said to the guy, "MAKE HER JUMP HIGHER!!!!" And I was like screaming! NO!! And the guy apparently didn't know what No meant and he got it even TIGHTER to make it go higher!! So to sum it all up.. Never I repeat NEVER go on those bouncy rides!!!...


Morgan said...


trouble maker said...

what is that? where is that?

Kelly said...

You are a mighty jummper alright!
love you!

JaMie HeApS said...

kinners you have skillz