Thursday, August 20, 2009

This one is for Em and Jen

You know you like it!


Kelly said...

He is a cutie... I just want to know how you are going to divide him in 4? You are all welcome... I was worken my Magic taking his photo!
Whoot whoo!

Kim said...

What a mom! I have never laughed so hard when your mom pulled out her camera and starting making him pose. He is a pretty cute kid and best of all a nice kid. Come out again and we'll call him over. Someday I want to tell you about your mom's patio dances that she would brew up. She would get her cutest dress on, fancy red shoes, and snap her little heart out. Ask her about it. I had SOOO much fun when you were here. Wish you could snap your fingers and be back. I love you! Can't believe that your birthday is in one week. 12
When does school start? I want to hear all about junior high!!! Call us and fill us in.

jamie heaps said...

come on girls, is there something a lilttle off? and yes what a mom i love that you worked it kell

Gwen said...

He is a hunk! I like his smile, the cute turned up corners. What fun we had watching everyone watching everyone else. I am glad the boys slowly. . . well not too slowly, moved over and joined the fun. That is what I call cousin love. . . sharing one and all!

jen jen said...

HAHAHA! i cant belive your mom got a picture of him!