Friday, August 21, 2009


First of all here are two of the CUTEST babies EVER!!

Gabe, and Jayne!!

Here's Us Rocken those Glasses!!

This is us going down A BIG tarp which was sooo fun!!!!
Which I look like a downer in and click on the picture and look at millies face!!!

This is us eating nachos and Emilee's Pretzel at the Veterans Pool!!
Us at the Meshing Tree!

This is me saying the Meshing Tree Pledge I made up!!

This is us riding on a 4 wheeler!!

I don't think I laughed so hard when We were driving in the Fields!!

Me and Seth wearing the "Loser Wig"
It was sooooooooooo Hard to say Goodbye!
Jenny and Emilee and I hugged 700 times!!

I cant wait for the next time I will see you guys again!!!

Here are some memories:

Playing "Night Games" at Em's house!
the holding on the tree the longest game!
Going to that gift shop at Thanksgiving point and puting tons of that Nasty lotion on..
Do you feel GRRRRANIFIED??!!!....
All of the sleep overs and all the things we talked about!
Dancing and singing to the Cheetah Girls C.D!!
Riding on the 4 wheeler
Veterans pool and going down those AWESOME Slides!!
Making lemon bars and having a lemon juice competition!
Lindon pool
And A LOT more!!! I love you guys sooo much thank you for babysitting us and helping our Vacation sooooo AWESOME!!!!! Love, McKinnley

P.s if Em and Jen are reading then scroll down to the last post i did!! :-)


Gwen said...

Oh I love your blog! Kenners you are looking so grown up. I can't believe you are really going to Jr. High! Those older boys are going to be rolling their eyes when they get a look at you. Will you have a locker? Will you have PE and showers? I remember that was a big deal for us. Every time I walk pass the Messing Tree I think of all of you. I especailly liked your pledge! I love you Kenners. Have fun at school!

jen jen said...

I love Millys face thats so funny! I love having the lemon juice drinking comption! that was awsome!
And never have laghed so hard in one week! And when you rode down the main hill that was so steep on are bikes and you bike didnt have brakes! that was so fun!
Love Ya Jen!