Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cooking for Real.. CHICKEN WINGS!

Welcome back to Cooking for Real!! My New recipe is Chicken Wings.. i should say Spicy chicken wings!!


jen jen said...


Staven, Ashlee, Gabe, Jathan said...

Kinners who Are you crazy funny girl!?!? Staven and I are still laughing... We are looking forward to the next show!

Brittney said...

Girl you are so funny! I will miss that about you when you leave! I can't wait until your next video! I love the other dish!!! Talk avout amazing! See ya at school! Love always, Britt :)

Mark and Jaleah Tuttle said...

hahah, awh Kinners!! I give you the award for the TV personality of the year! Keep up the good work! You all leave us wanting more!

Gwen said...

Love the pig tails, and what is that around your neck, a cute top or apron? Chicken Wings are our favorite, especially the ones with your famous chicken wings sause. But the chicken wing dance had to top it all. Love, and more Love

Emilee said...

That was SPICY!! hahahahaahaha that was so funny! those chicken wings look good

Marsha said...

I'mon luv yeou, Miss McKinnley! Gimme somea dem SPICY chicken wings! MMMMMHHHUUUUUUMMM!!