Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cooking for Real with McKinnley

Welcome to Cooking for Real with McKinnley! My first recipe... Chocolate candies..?


jen jen said...

NICE THAT IS SO FUNNY! I was laughing so hard! whaen you come back to utah will have to do one together! that would be so funny!

Gwen said...

WOW, COOKING FOR REAL IS DELICIOUS! What could be better than a gorgeous dark haired beauty cooking up some chocolate with her sweet little granny doing the taste tasting. I hope this will be an on going show, your ratings should sky rocket. I know I will stay tuned in. XOXOXO Hugs and Kisses (the chocolate kind)

Kelly said...

Cooking for Real is Great! You had some Great one liners! FUNNY!!! I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve next! Keep up the cooking!
I love you...
I love your Crazy-ness!
I love your Computer Skills!
You are the Best!
Thanks for being such a good helper! I need your help as we tackle this Move... Its going to be FUN!

KCT said...

You remind me of Bon Qui Qui. If you don't know who she is, check her out on Youtube, at king burger or nail salon. We were going crazy watching your show keep it up.

Kim said...

That is the BEST! You brightened my day. You were hallerious and so stinkin cute. Do you think that you, Maddi, Jenny, & Em could really start up your own cousin cooking show. It would ROck! We love you! Keep it up!

Brittney said...

GIRL YOU ARE SO FUNNY!!! Thats why I love ya! Maybe I can come over one day and we can make one togehter! That would be some super fun right there! LOL :) Love ya girf, Britt LOL (inside joke) :)