Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Girls Camp

39 more days til i get to hang out with these chicks! HAHA Im exited! :D
♥. Kinners


Amelia said...

Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! I can't believe you are counting down. We are going to have TONS of fun.

jen jen said...

I am so exided to! i think em is at camp this week!

Ilene said...

Your dance recital looked awesome! Hope you have fun at girls camp. Our girls did this week! We miss you.

that1gamer2know said...

We just got back from Girl's Camp. We missed you soooooo much!!!

Brittney said...

Aw kinners you will have so much fun I know that I did but the only bad part is that it is hot and tons of ticks!!! but you will have a blast I know I did! I wiss that you could have been there with me! :( we could have been in the same cabin! I love you Hope you have fun britt <3