Tuesday, June 19, 2012

lovin summer(:

i love summer(;
<3 kinners


Amelia said...

Who doesn't?! I love the taco bell dare i have to try it sometime... haha nice dance moves too.

Kelly said...

I love summer and You!
Thanks for all your help taking care of me!! The food, laundry, dishes, you ROCK! I will take care of you when u are sick!! I love the blog post u did on my blog! Xo

Gwen said...

Kenners, thank you for the only look I have had of your Mom when she is pregnant. The Taco Bell unabrow deal. His brows were "unioning" if that is the word. But to see your Mom was the best! I miss her! I feel sick myself just thinking about her. Wish I could be with you guys! Thank you for taking care of her. It means the world to me. Maybe you will marry and end up at BYU going to school and you will get pregnant and I will get to take care of you. I hate this long distance stuff! Bring your mom snacks often so her stomach doesn't get empty. Take everyone for a bike ride when she needs to sleep. I love you McKinnley! Have fun on those Toco Bell Runs. Next time stare at his adams apple, and see if he swallows. oxox

qifei2012 said...
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