Monday, July 2, 2012

swim meet timers.

Me and one of my friends Amelia timed at my siblings swim meet. it was so fun! Speaking of swimming have u been watching the olympics? here are my favs:
 Connor Dwyer, Ryan Lochte,
and Micheal Phelps.


Amelia said...

That was way fun but realllyyyy hot! Excited to do that again next time bcuz we are the best at it.....sometimes...;)

jen jen said...

Holy cow women your hair is so long and pretty!!! Love and miss you

jen jen said...

Holy cow women your hair is so long and pretty!!! Love and miss you

Gwen said...

Hot Dog and Happy Timing! You are the perfect exact person to be incharge at the races. I bet you are a little partial to the Thompsons. I love you McKinnley. Happy Summer.