Friday, January 2, 2009


2009 is here already? I cant believe it!! It seemed sooo fast!!
Heres some goals I want to work on for 2009...
- count my blessings.
-practice my articals of faith (ill be going to young womans in august)
-be Extra kind
-keep my room clean
- save up my money
-Begging my parents to take us to Utah more often!
-Blog more often!!
-Pray even more
-get better at Basketball and dance.
-make peoples day.
-thank my parents for all they do for me.
I have lots more but thats just some of them!! I was at McDonalds with my family, and this girl had a good poem type thing on her shirt it said...
"We Whine, we dine, lets do better in year '09"
Love, Mckinnley ;)


Emilee said...

I am so with you on coming to Utah!! And keeping my room more clean!!

jen jen said...

i be working on my basketball and dance skils too. and yes bug the heck out of your parents to come to utah more often!!! love ya

Kelly said...

WOW... I LOVE your Goals.. they all sound great! Except the one about learning the articles of faith.. lets NOT learn them so you Can't go into young womens. I can't bare to think of you old enough to do that already! Stay with me in primary I will miss your bright happy smile and all your help with saying the prayers, talks etc. I love you.. you are the BEST girl! Every Mom dreams of a girl like you and for some Crazy reason I SCORED ya! Lets make 2009 a BLAST! I love you! xoxoxo Kelly

Kim said...

I think you are probablly already perfect at most of those goals. I know you are kind, a great dancer, and basketball player, and always humble and very greatful. Your mom is so lucky to have you! A perfect daughter, cousin, neice, and friend to all. I sure love you!

Gwen said...

Kinners you just made my day! I love your picture is shows off your cute personality! I can't believe I get to come see you again. . . how lucky is that! I want to be in your canoe once more! I love you!!!!